January 24, 2025 – An exciting opportunity is available for waterfront property owners in the St. Lawrence River (Cornwall/Akwesasne) Area of Concern (AOC) who want to naturalize their shoreline using native trees, shrubs, grasses, and wildflowers. A healthy shoreline buffer can help protect a property from erosion and flood damage, while also creating habitat for wildlife, and improving overall water quality.
Watersheds Canada, a national charity headquartered in Perth, ON, is delivering its flagship program The Natural Edge in the St. Lawrence River (Cornwall/Akwesasne) AOC in 2025. Eligible waterfront property landowners will receive a free site visit which provides advice and recommendations to improve shoreline health. If planting is recommended, a Shoreline Re-Naturalization Starter Kit can be purchased which includes the creation of a shoreline restoration plan for the property, native plants and materials, and education guides on how to maintain shoreline health. Each customized restoration plan will provide detailed descriptions of native plants suitable for planting based on site conditions and landowner preferences.
It has been thirty-eight years since the St. Lawrence River at Cornwall was first designated as an Area of Concern in 1987. Over the decades, immense pressure from industry, contamination, and population growth has strained the health of the river and the wildlife that live there.
To remedy this, Watersheds Canada is leading this collaborative effort to address factors of poor water quality and major shoreline habitat loss experienced within the St. Lawrence River (Cornwall/Akwesasne) AOC. This project will be delivered in partnership with the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne, Raisin Region Conservation Authority, River Institute, Great River Network, and the City of Cornwall. This project is generously funded by the Government of Canada’s Great Lakes Freshwater Ecosystem Initiative.
If you are an interested waterfront property owner who wants to learn more about the project or book a confidential free site visit, please email ne.stlawrenceriver.aoc@watersheds.ca. An approximate map of the St. Lawrence River (Cornwall/Akwesasne) AOC can be found here.
About Watersheds Canada
Watersheds Canada is a registered Canadian charity committed to providing programs to communities across the country to engage and help individuals enhance and protect the health of their lakes and rivers. Since 2002, they have delivered freshwater stewardship programming, shoreline naturalizations and assessments, and in-water habitat restorations. To learn more, visit Watersheds.ca
Media contact:
Chantal Lefevre
Natural Edge Regional Coordinator
Watersheds Canada
naturaledge (at) watersheds.ca