Thanks to incredible community partners like the Muskrat Watershed Council and Algonquin College Waterfront Campus, last year the Natural Edge program was able to plant 15,000 native tree and shrub species to help remediate current water quality issues including sedimentation and nutrient loading from agricultural properties lacking critical vegetative buffers. On a recent site visit to check on the plants, we discovered many of them were thriving! These species will be critical in naturalizing and protecting these properties.
Here are just a few photos from last year’s plantings:
Photos (L to R): Highbush cranberry, pasture rose
Photos (L to R): Red maple, tamarack
The Natural Edge program helps landowners and community groups protect their lakes and rivers using native trees, shrubs, and wildflowers. Watersheds Canada works with waterfront landowners by addressing their shoreline concerns, providing recommendations, and assessing planting conditions. We then deliver a personalized planting plan to best meet the needs of each individual. Click here to learn more about the Natural Edge program.