Join our Executive Director, Barbara King, for “Standing on the Dock in the Rain: Landscaping your shoreline property for wildlife and water quality”, a free online webinar hosted by the River Institute on August 5th @ 7pm.
Watersheds Canada has been working on freshwater issues for 12 years. They develop programs such as ‘Love Your Lake’ which promotes healthy shorelines for healthy lakes, ‘The Natural Edge’ which is a shoreline naturalization program, Fish Habitat Programs and many others. Barbara King is the Executive Director of Watersheds Canada and she will be presenting at our next Science + Nature UNtapped. She has developed, managed and delivered Shoreline Stewardship Programs across Canada. Join us for an in-depth discussion on what you can do to landscape your shoreline property for wildlife and water quality.
Missed the webinar? Watch the presentation on the YourTV Cornwall YouTube channel: