Pugnose Shiner Landowner Engagement and Shoreline Habitat Restoration Project
From 2020-2022, Watersheds Canada and Quinte Conservation focused on landowner engagement and action to help enhance and restore local Pugnose Shiner populations and habitat quality. This two-year voluntary education and action project helped shoreline property owners in the Quinte watershed protect the last remaining habitats of the Pugnose Shiner.
Many shoreline property owners in the Quinte watershed, Ontario were provided with:
- Education and stewardship materials;
- Shoreline restorations using native trees, shrubs, and wildflowers through the Natural Edge program;
- Property-specific and lake-level stewardship reports through the Love Your Lake Program; and
- Invasive aquatic vegetation surveys conducted by Quinte Conservation.
The Pugnose Shiner (Notropis anogenus) is a small fish in the minnow family that is found in Southern Ontario including near the Quinte watershed, and is listed as a Species at Risk. It is extremely vulnerable to declining habitat quality. Learn more about the Pugnose Shiner on the Government of Canada’s website.
Education Resources
Plants for the Pugnose Shiner handout
“Pugnose Shiner Landowner Engagement and Shoreline Habitat Restoration Project” video
“Pugnose Shiner – West Lake partner spotlight and individual actions” video
“Pugnose Shiner – East Lake and Wellers Bay partner spotlight and individual actions” video
In the Media
- Media Release – Pugnose Shiner fish on West Lake, Ontario sees restored habitat, increased awareness thanks to community-led project, Watersheds Canada. April 12, 2022, web edition.
- Media Release – Community-led effort on Wellers Bay and East Lake, Ontario has lasting impacts for the Pugnose Shiner fish, a Species at Risk, Watersheds Canada. March 11, 2022, web edition.
- Media release – Community support and actions in Quinte watershed growing for Pugnose Shiner fish, a Species at Risk, Watersheds Canada. October 18, 2021, web edition.
- “Collective Action – Spotlight On: Don Ross and County Sustainability Group”, Climate Legacy. August 3, 2021, web edition.
- “Preserving Pugnose Shiner Habitat”, County Weekly News. April 8, 2021, print edition. PDF article
- “Efforts underway to protect threatened species habitat”, Picton Gazette. April 1, 2021, print edition. PDF article
- “Efforts underway to protect threatened species habitat”, Picton Gazette. March 29, 2021, web edition.
- Media release – Watersheds Canada and Quinte Conservation to help protect and enhance habitat for Pugnose Shiner fish, a Species at Risk, Watersheds Canada. March 29, 2021, web edition.
Generous Funding
‘s Habitat Stewardship Program for Aquatic Species at Risk
Project Partners
Media Contact
Melissa Dakers
Habitat and Stewardship Program Manager
Watersheds Canada