Watersheds Canada extends our congratulations to Barbara King, the recipient of the Gord Rodgers Memorial Award 2022.
Gord Rodgers was a long-standing and dedicated member of the Lake Links planning committee which brings together the annual workshop that has now been running for 21 years. Gord dedicated his professional and personal life to making this part of the world a more environmentally sustainable place to live in. The Gord Rodgers Memorial Award keeps his spirit alive and is awarded to the person who best embodies Gord’s ethos in lake stewardship.
Barbara King of Watersheds Canada is the fifth recipient of the Gord Rodgers Memorial Award. Barbara has over 20 years of direct project management experience and expertise in stewardship. She works to always advance partnerships and works collaboratively at all levels, having co-created and facilitated the Love Your Lake program with the Canadian Wildlife Federation, and brokering the delivery of the program to over a hundred lakes in Ontario. Barbara has also designed and led the development of key shoreline and conservation initiatives that are fast becoming touchstones in Ontario and beyond. She has shaped Watersheds Canada to what it is today.
“When the topic of lake stewardship is raised at public events be it an annual general meeting or an information session among lake associations, Barbara King’s name soon appears. Barb has been the glue that brings likeminded groups and individuals together. Whether it be her advocacy for shoreline health and restoration or her direct involvement in developing a state of the lake (SOL) report for a lake community, she always brings a cheerful tact and skill when communicating the stewardship message and this only enhances her deserving the Gord Rogers Award.” – David Overholt
Please share with us in congratulating Barbara!