Access webinar summaries, links to education and community science programs, and more with our handouts and activities:
- ”Precipitation Projections: Understanding the Latest Climate Data” handout
- ”The Memory of the Mud: Paleolimnology reveals the impact of climate change on modern cyanobacterial bloom occurrence” handout
- ”Bridging Beauty and Conservation: Waterfront Property Owners’ Perspectives on Riparian Zones” handout
- ”Creating Community: Lessons Learned through the BC Small Water Systems Community Network” handout
- ”Life in the ”Weeds’: Exploring the rarely seen world of aquatic plants” handout
- ”Salting our Freshwater Ecosystems: Understanding consequences of road salt use in Canadian watersheds” handout
- ”The Ghost of Phosphorus Past: How decades of phosphorus use is shaping today’s water quality in North America” handout
- ”Creating Healthy, Natural Habitats for Freshwater Fish” handout
- ”Biomonitoring is for everyone: How project STREAM combines citizen science with DNA technology” handout
- “Community Based Water Monitoring: Taking action with Water Rangers” handout
- ”What Makes a River ‘Healthy’?: Engaging science, art, and storytelling to explore the health of the Upper St. Lawrence River” handout
- Water quality handout for families – Water Rangers and Watersheds Canada
- ”Plastic pollution in the Laurentian Great Lakes” handout
- ”MECP Eastern Region Preliminary Climate Change Lake Water Quality Study Report” handout
- ”I Spy with My Little Eye…Something Green: Using Satellites to Assess Algal Blooms on Prairie Lakes” handout
- “White Lake: Ours to Preserve” handout
- Nature Discovery Backpack checklist
- ”Community Climate Data Tracking in Prince Edward Island” handout
Watch these webinars to learn about how you can protect your lakes, rivers, streams, wetlands, and tributaries:
“Precipitation Projections: Understanding the latest climate data” by Alex Cadel
“The Memory of the Mud: Paleolimnology reveals the impact of climate change on modern cyanobacterial bloom occurence” by Liz Favot, PhD
“Bridging Beauty and Conservation: Waterfront Property Owner’s Perspectives on Riparian Zones” by Acacia Fremopong-Manso, PhD candidate at Carleton University, and iNaturalist Engagement Coordinator at Canadian Wildlife Federation
“Creating Community: Lessons Learned through the BC Small Water Systems Community Network” by Claire Ross, Community Engagement Specialist – Small Water Systems, BC Water & Waste Association
“Salting our Freshwater Ecosystems: Understanding consequences of road salt use in Canadian watersheds” by Lauren Lawson, PhD candidate at the University of Toronto
“The Ghost of Phosphorus Past: How decades of phosphorus use is shaping today’s water quality in North America” by Lamisa Malik, PhD candidate at the University of Waterloo
“Creating Healthy, Natural Habitats for Freshwater Fish: How community groups can help local lake trout, walleye, brook trout, bass, pike, and perch” by Melissa Dakers, Habitat and Stewardship Program Manager at Watersheds Canada
“Biomonitoring is for everyone: How project STREAM combines citizen science with DNA technology” by Tamanna Kohi, STREAM Field, Outreach & Communications Coordinator, Hajibabaei Lab; Michael Wright, Lab Manager Hajibabaei Lab; Rhia MacKenzie, Biomonitoring Program Coordinator, Living Lakes Canada
“Community Based Water Monitoring: Getting Started With Water Rangers” by Juno Garrah, Science Education Coordinator and Open Data Manager at Water Rangers
“What Makes a River ‘Healthy’? Engaging science, art, and storytelling to explore the health of the Upper St. Lawrence River” by Dr. Leigh McGaughey, Program Lead for Research and Community at The River Institute
“Plastic pollution in the Laurentian Great Lakes: What we know and how we can act” by Eden Hataley, Ph.D. student at University of Toronto Scarborough
“I Spy with My Little Eye…Something Green: Using Satellites to Assess Algal Blooms on Prairie Lakes” by Claire Herbert, Data Manager for the Canadian Watershed Information Network (CanWIN) and the Program Manager for the Manitoba Great Lakes Program at the Centre for Earth Observation Sciences at the University of Manitoba
“White Lake: Ours to preserve” by Conrad Grégoire, PhD and Dave Overholt, BA, Environment Volunteers for the White Lake Property Owners Association and the White Lake Preservation Project
“Plastics in our Waterways” by Jake Wilson, Voyageur Canoe Program Coordinator at Rideau Roundtable
“Community Climate Data Tracking in PEI” by Dr. Xander Wang, Associate Professor in the School of Climate Change and Adaptation at the University of Prince Edward Island and Katie Sonier, Data Manager at the Town of Stratford in Prince Edward Island