Watersheds Canada team received an Ontario Trillium Foundation grant (Resilient Communities Fund) to conduct a waterfront land and property donation feasibility study. The study helps Watersheds Canada give waterfront property owners and their families new charitable giving options to ensure their legacy properties are protected for generations to come by donating them to our charity.
At some point, a property owner will contemplate who in their family (or other close connections) will be interested in taking over the property’s deed. It is not always of interest to the next generation who perhaps do not have the time to access the property, or they simply cannot afford the capital gain tax, property taxes, and upkeep to keep the legacy going.
Cottage and/or property donations are topics that are often raised by Watersheds Canada supporters. Their trust in our team, and legacy giving desire, are very encouraging for our future. Watersheds Canada believes that we are in a unique position to speak to property owners about a promise to preserve all the natural features and biodiversity that our donors have worked their entire lives to support.
For educational or social enterprise purposes, a property donation could be the future home of a native plant shoreland demonstration site with net zero building features. Your property could be showcased as a field trip destination for those who want to learn about your example of freshwater stewardship.
Please contact Watersheds Canada to discuss land donation opportunities:
Robert Pye
Executive Director
Watersheds Canada
Interested in learning more about other legacy giving options? Learn about securities, life insurance, or a contribution to Watersheds Canada in your will. You can also download our legacy giving pamphlet.