Right now, shorelines across Canada are being restored with native species of plants which will help stabilize soils and prevent erosion, slow down and reduce overland runoff, and provide beautiful and valuable wildlife and pollinator habitat. You can ensure this important work continues with a thoughtful Mother’s Day gift!
Thanks to the talents of Canadian nature artists Cassandra Buunk, Lynn Moore, and Payton Muro, you can give the symbolic gift of native wildflowers for Mother’s Day! The gift of these plants will have lasting impacts for generations of humans and wildlife to come, and provide you with a meaningful gift to give to your Mom, Grandma, Aunt, or other impactful person in your life.
With each symbolic adoption, you will receive a beautiful 5”x7” postcard featuring information about the adoption as well as a blank honour card for you to personalize and give as a gift.
You can give many different plant-related symbolic adoptions, including:
- Adopt a Great Camas
- Mother’s Day bouquet (includes Wild Columbine and Wild Bergamot adoptions)
- Adopt a Wild Columbine
- Adopt a Wild Bergamot
- Adopt a Tree (Silver Maple)
- Plant Pollinator Habitat for a Property (Common Milkweed)
- Reduce Fertilizer Runoff Along Waterways (Red Osier Dogwood)
Looking for a paper-free option? Make an in honour donation for your loved one and we’ll email you an e-card to give instead. All symbolic adoptions and in honour donations are eligible for a Canadian tax receipt. All donations raised go directly back into Watersheds Canada’s habitat and shoreline restoration projects, including the Natural Edge Program and Fish Habitat Program.