2024 Paugh Lake Restoration Project
Paugh Lake, located in the township of Madawaska Valley, Ontario, is known for its cold-water fishery. Wave action and ice movement and push had altered the rock formations on the spawning bed, making it less productive for the fish to spawn on.
The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry has been monitoring the lake trout spawning in recent years on Paugh Lake and noticed a decline. Action was required to protect the lake trout population, and was taken thanks to the dedicated efforts of the Paugh Lake Property Owner’s Association, and funding from the Government of Canada’s Environmental Damages Fund, Honda Canada Foundation, and Ontario Wildlife Foundation.
This project took place in winter 2024 when sleds, ATVs, and a compact tractor transported seventeen tonnes of smaller gravel-sized stone across the plowed ice road to the spawning bed. Once the rock was unloaded, it was time for volunteers to spread out the rock in a thin layer using rakes and shovels. With the spring ice melt, the rocks will fall into place overtop the spawning bed and ensure the lake trout have areas to lay their eggs that will receive enough oxygenation. The spawning bed will be monitored in fall 2024 to document the spawning activities that take place.
In partnership with grassroots organizations and local volunteers, Watersheds Canada has completed many fish habitat restoration projects across Eastern and Central Ontario over the past nine years, including walleye spawning bed enhancements, cold-water creek enhancements, trout spawning bed enhancements, and in-water habitat enhancements through the deployment of brush piles (woody debris). If you think your Ontario waterfront community could benefit from a fish habitat enhancement project, please check out the free Fish Habitat Enhancement Toolkit: Watersheds.ca/download-the-fish-habitat-enhancement-toolkit/
Thanks to:
Paugh Lake Property Owner’s Association
Project Video