Access webinar summaries, links to education and community science programs, and more with our handouts and activities:
- ”Crash Course: Saving birds one window at a time” handout
- ”Conserving the Buzz: A multifacitated approach to conserving Canada’s bumble bees” handout
- ”Ice Fishing: How to prepare for a safe and enjoyable day of winter angling” handout
- ”Fishing Through a Lens: Using underwater cameras to detect freshwater fishes” handout
- ”Can Ontario’s Brook Trout Cope with Climate Change?” handout
- “Life in the ‘Weeds’: Exploring the rarely seen world of aquatic plants” handout
- ”Creating Healthy, Natural Habitats for Freshwater Fish” handout
- “Wetlands, Waterways, and Waterbirds: The Boreal Connection” handout
- “The Importance of Wetland Plants for Dragonflies and Damselflies” handout
- ”Connected Waters: Restoring connectivity and function to salmon habitat impacted by flood infrastructure” handout
- ”Saving our Turtles” handout
- ”Brown, green or silver in your tea affects your pee: A fish and mayfly tale” webinar handout
- Monarch butterfly and Milkweed colouring page by Debra Lynn Ireland
- Walleye river bed colouring sheet by Debra Lynn Ireland
- Pike and woody debris colouring sheet by Debra Lynn Ireland
- Nature Discovery Backpack checklist
- Pollinators and native wildflowers – activity sheet
- Meet some of Canada’s freshwater turtles – information sheet
- Healthy Fish Habitat activity sheet
Watch these webinars to learn about local wildlife, plants, and freshwater areas!
“Crash Course: Saving Birds One Window at a Time” by Dr. Willow English, Advocacy Committee Chair, Safe Wings Ottawa
“Conserving the Buzz: A multifaceted approach to conserving Canada’s bumble bees” by Cole Blair, Ontario Program Coordinator – Native Pollinator Initiative, Wildlife Preservation Canada
“Can Ontario’s Brook Trout Cope with Climate Change?” by Erin Stewart, PhD Candidate, Integrative Fish Ecology Lab Trent University
“Fishing Through a Lens: Using underwater cameras to detect freshwater fishes” by Dr. Rowshyra Castañeda, Fisheries and Oceans Canada
“Life in the ‘Weeds’: Exploring the rarely seen world of aquatic plants” by Dr. Jo Latimore, Michigan State University’s Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
“Creating Healthy, Natural Habitats for Freshwater Fish: How community groups can help local lake trout, walleye, brook trout, bass, pike, and perch” by Melissa Dakers, Watersheds Canada
“Ice Fishing: Your Next Family-Friendly Nature Adventure Awaits!” by Erin Isfeld-Reynolds, Female Anglers of Manitoba
“Wetlands, Waterways, and Waterbirds: The Boreal Connection” webinar by Natasha Barlow, Birds Canada
“The Importance of Wetland Plants for Dragonflies and Damselflies” by Dr. Mary Ann Perron, River Institute
“Saving our Turtles!” by David Seburn, Freshwater Turtle Specialist, Canadian Wildlife Federation
“Connected Water: Restoring connectivity and function to salmon habitat impacted by flood infrastructure” by Lina Azeez, Watershed Watch Salmon Society
“Enhancing and Restoring Critical Fish Habitat in Ontario” by Melissa Dakers, Watersheds Canada
“Wildlife Photography Near You: Finding beautiful animals in your own backyard” by Alejandro Prescott-Cornejo, Founder (APC Wildlife Photography) and Marketing Associate (Mongabay)
“The Brrrrd Club: Cold-weather birding in Muskoka, Haliburton, and Algonquin” by Rebecca Krawczyk, Botanigals Native Plant Nursery and Boutique Studio
“Brown, green or silver in your tea affects your pee: A fish and mayfly story” by Sandra Klemet-N’Guessan, PhD candidate at Trent University