This year came with extraordinary challenges, especially for environmental charities like Watersheds Canada. Granting organizations have redirected funding, and group size limits prevented many volunteers from participating in our spring and fall planting seasons.
We know that you care about your lake, river, or tributary. As fall comes to an end, and we think back to all the times we turned to nature this year, we know that nature is still in need of our help. Together, we can protect the very waters that sustain us.
Watersheds Canada continues to deliver programming that sees more shorelines re-naturalized, more wildlife habitat created, more education resources distributed, and more opportunities for lake stewards like you to get involved.
You can make a huge impact this Giving Tuesday. CanadaHelps will add $2 to one-time donations of $20 or more only on December 1st, up to a maximum of $30,000* for all participating charities. Donate by clicking on the text below, or by visiting
YES, I want to donate to Watersheds Canada!
Hear from Watersheds Canada’s 2020 team as we tell you what your support has already done in 2020, and what we can all do together in 2021: