Here is all the information you need to draft or update your Will to include a legacy gift for Watersheds Canada:
- Legal Name: Watersheds Canada
- Charitable Registration #: 863555223 RR0001
- Address: 115-40 Sunset Blvd., Perth, Ontario, K7H 2Y4
Suggested wording for a residual gift: “To pay Watersheds Canada the residue (or share of the residue) of my Estate for such use and purpose as Watersheds Canada executive committee may determine.”
Suggested wording for a specific gift: “To pay Watersheds Canada the sum of $___ for such use and purpose as the Board of Directors may determine.”
Your intentions should be directed by your professional legal or financial advisors. Watersheds Canada would also be pleased to know about your intentions.
If you have questions about what type of gift will work best for you, please contact:
Robert Pye
Executive Director
Watersheds Canada
Interested in learning more about other legacy giving options? Learn about securities, land donation, or life insurance. You can also download our legacy giving pamphlet.