Lake Links 2013 Workshop
The Lake Landscape – From Political to Practical
The 2013 Lake Links Workshop was held in Perth, Ontario, on Saturday, October 19th.
View or download the Workshop Details.
About the 2013 Lake Links Workshop – What’s it all about?
This year’s workshop focused on strategies for community engagement. Representatives from local lake associations provided examples of hands-on strategies for bringing lake communities together to protect, improve and celebrate the health of their lakes.
Terry Rees, Federation of Ontario Cottagers’ Associations, outlined some of the changes that have happened in Ontario including information on current regulatory changes, roles of government and what we need to know to manage our lakes in the future.
View or download Terry Rees’ Presentation.
Angus McAllister, President of Fathom6 Stragtegies, presented fascinating statistics about individual perspectives and behaviours. Participants were invited to participate in an exercise to write the worst engagement pitch, and then the best engagement pitch, in an effort to broaden their own perspectives when trying to involve community members in their organizations, associations or lake goals. This presentation is not available. Angus McAllister is President of Fathom6 Strategies (formerly McAllister Opinion Research). Angus is a leading Canadian Public Opinion Researcher who has surveyed public attitudes on environment issues in over 25 countries and tracked Canadian trends for nearly 20 years. Aside from his amazing depth of knowledge, Angus brings a great sense of humour to his presentations. The result is an informative, entertaining package of useful insights that will provide significant value to understanding what works and what doesn’t work in reaching and engaging people.
2013 Planning Committee
This year’s planning committee includes representatives from the following organizations: Bobs and Crow Lakes Association, Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority, Centre for Sustainable Watersheds, Community Stewardship Council of Lanark County, Fourteen Island and Mink Lake Association, Frontenac Stewardship Council, Lake Networking Group, Leeds & Grenville County Stewardship Council, Mississippi Valley Conservation, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (Kemptville District), Otty Lake Association, and Rideau Valley Conservation Authority.
Thank you to our Supporting Partners
The 2013 Lake Links Workshop is supported by: Federation of Ontario Cottagers’ Associations, Centre for Sustainable Watersheds, Leeds-Grenville, Lanark, and Frontenac Stewardship Councils, and Mississippi Valley and Rideau Valley Conservation Authorities.