“Lake Communities in Action”
In preparation for the 2014 Lake Links workshop in Perth, a survey was conducted to learn about the experience of lake associations in preparing and implementing their lake plans. The theme of the workshop was ‘Lake Communities in Action’ and the responses from the survey provided significant insight about the benefits, challenges, and actions that are undertaken by many lake communities across Ontario. Please see the results of this survey here.
This workshop focused on strategies for getting your lake community into action with a special focus on algae and aquatic plants. Lake Association examples and discussions looked at best practices for bringing lake residents together to protect, improve, and celebrate the health of their lakes.
Randy French & Gord Rodgers, French Planning Services – Randy and Gord presented on “How to get your Lake Plan off the Shelf into Action” through an interactive presentation including examples of successes from lakes across Ontario. View or download Randy and Gord’s presentation.
Dr. Jesse Vermaire, Carleton University, Algae and Aquatic Vegetation Study – Jesse presented his findings on why algae and aquatic plant growth in Eastern Ontario lakes and rivers appears to have been increasing over the last decade and what people can do about it. View or download Jesse’s presentation.
Dr. Andrew Paterson, MOECC – Andrew talked about the challenges to local lakes and some strategies on how other regions are tackling this issue. View or download Andrew’s presentation.
For more information, please see the Agenda.
Additional Resources:
Community Monitoring Opportunities