“Lake Fisheries Management”
The 14th annual Lake Links Workshop took place Saturday October 24th, 2015 from 8:30am – 3:30pm at Perth Civitan Hall, 6787 County Road 43, Perth, Ontario.
The workshop focused on strategies for protecting the fisheries in our lakes with a special focus on fish habitat restoration. Discussions focused on how to keep your fish populations healthy and strategies to complete projects on your lake. Lake Association examples and discussions looked at best practices for bringing lake residents together to protect, improve, and celebrate the health of their lakes. In the afternoon, we learnt from experts how to manage projects on your lake including partnership development and fundraising.
“Fish 101 – Fish Biology and Habitat“, Lisa McShane, Management Biologist, Kemptville District Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
“Fish Habitat Enhancement Toolkits“- Anne Bendig, Lanark County Stewardship Council
Jennifer Lamoureux, Aquatic and Fish Habitat Biologist, Rideau Valley Conservation Authority – Examples of Fish Habitat Projects.
“Keeping Your Fish Populations Healthy“- David Browne, Director of Conservation, Canadian Wildlife Federation
“Update on Algae and Aquatic Vegetation Study” – Dr. Jesse Vermaire, Carleton University, Algae and Aquatic Vegetation Study
“Recreational Fisheries Conservation Partnerships Program” – Lorraine Geoffrion & Brendan Spearin, Fisheries & Oceans Canada
Kristina Inrig, Sustainable Eastern Ontario – How to Find Money for your Projects.
Randy French & Gord Rodgers, French Planning Services – Partnerships and In-Kind Contributions for your Project.
For more information, please see the Agenda.