“Effective Engagement for Positive Action”
2020 Lake Links Webinar Workshop
Join us at our 19th Annual Lake Links Workshop, “Effective Engagement for Positive Action”, on Saturday, October 24th, 2020 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. as a free online webinar. At this year’s workshop, learn how to better engage with your lake, family, and lake community and discover ways to protect the lake environment and ecosystem.
To stay connected this year amidst COVID-19 and physical distancing, we will provide a virtual workshop for all of us to learn and be together. The presentations will be:
- Isha Mistry and Christine Beaudoin of Carleton University and Dr. Steven Cooke of Carleton University, “Action research to improve water quality in Canada’s Rideau Canal: How do local groups navigate environmental governance”;
- Terry Rees & Michelle Lewin, Federation of Ontario Cottagers’ Associations (FOCA), “How associations and organizations can use technology to stay connected and engage their members”; and
- Rebecca Whitman, Rideau Valley Conservation Authority, “What families can do to stay connected to nature and the lake”.
FREE registration for this event can be found at https://watersheds.ca/lake-links-2020
Organization and monetary support of this event has been shared by a number of regional partner groups over the past year, including: Cataraqui Conservation, Federation of Ontario Cottagers’ Associations (FOCA), Friends of the Tay Watershed, Lake Networking Group, Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority, Rideau Valley Conservation Authority, S.M. Blair Family Foundation, and Watersheds Canada.
Melissa Dakers
Lake Stewardship Coordinator
Watersheds Canada
115-40 Sunset Blvd
Perth, Ontario
K7H 2Y4