Watersheds Canada and the Canadian Wildlife Federation are thrilled to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Love Your Lake program!
Love Your Lake is a shoreline evaluation program conducted for waterfront communities across the country. The program invites lake associations and organizations to volunteer their lake as participants in the program. If accepted, every property on the lake will be assessed using a standardized shoreline assessment protocol, and landowners will receive a personalized, confidential property report. These reports contain details on the state of the shoreline and recommended voluntary actions for improving lake health for people and wildlife.
Over the past decade, the Love Your Lake program has successfully assessed 203 lakes which includes more than 46,000 shoreline properties! The program’s continued success is made possible thanks to dedicated volunteers and generous funding provided by the Rogers Foundation and Canadian Wildlife Foundation.
Healthy Shorelines for Healthy Lakes! Participating in Love Your Lake is a great way to gauge the health of your lake and become a steward of your local freshwater! Learn more about the Love Your Lake shoreline assessment program by visiting LoveYourLake.ca or by emailing loveyourlake@watersheds.ca.
Media Contact
Melissa Dakers
Habitat and Stewardship Program Manager
Watersheds Canada