We’re so grateful to the mothers, grandmothers, and other strong female influences who have made such a positive impact in our lives.
One way you can say thank you this Mother’s Day is by making an in honour donation to Watersheds Canada. All donations over $100* will receive a wooden nest box, as well as a beautiful e-card that you can print or email right away! If you haven’t already, you can make a secure donation on our CanadaHelps page:
Click on the e-card you would like to download and print or email:
Bumblebee e-card – ”Thanks for bee-lieving in me, Mom”
Common Loon family e-card – ”Happy Mother’s Day!”
Painted turtle e-card – ”I love you, Mom!”
Pied-billed Grebe family e-card – I love you, Mom!”
*While supplies last. Nest boxes will be mailed to the donor’s billing address unless otherwise indicated in the “Send a message to this charity” section of the donation on CanadaHelps. Canadian tax receipts will be issued for your donation less the value of the nest box (MSRP: $25).