2017 Pauls Creek Restoration Project
Watersheds Canada is the proud recipient a three year grant (2016-2018) from Fisheries and Oceans Canada Recreational Fisheries Conservation Program Partnership. Pauls Creek is a cold water creek located in Lanark Highlands Township within Lanark County, northwest of Perth, Ontario. Pauls Creek flows directly into Dalhousie Lake which drains into the Mississippi River. Pauls Creek is one of five cold water streams within the Mississippi Valley Watershed and has been stocked annually with brook trout by the Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry.
Coldwater streams are significant tributaries in the proper function of natural ecosystems as they help to moderate temperatures in the larger rivers and lakes they flow into. Not only are these streams water temperature regulators, they also provide nursery habitat for many fish species including brook trout which require the cold temperatures and high dissolved oxygen levels that these creeks possess.
Left: planting trees; Right: ½ log construction and placement in Pauls Creek
Paul’s Creek Campground were very enthusiastic about the project and volunteered to help out with project. And with funding being provided by Fisheries and Oceans Canada – Recreational Fisheries Conservation Partnerships Program, Watersheds Canada and the Lanark County Stewardship Council proceeded with the restoration of this local brook trout habitat.
The restoration took place over several days during the summer, starting with the shoreline naturalization portion during July 17-18. We focused on areas of Pauls Creek that were in need of shade and bank stabilization. We therefore decided to plant 60 red and silver maple trees (5-6’ potted stock), along with wildflower seeds on the banks to stabilize the shoreline, enhance the buffer strip and to provide future shade for the creek.
Volunteer Jane McCann (LCSC) demonstrates the tree planting process to MNRF Youth Stewardship Rangers.
Naturalization volunteers & staff (MNRF, LCSC & Watersheds Canada)
This entire project would not have been possible without the support of the many partners and volunteers who made it successful. It was a combined effort involving the Lanark County Stewardship Council, Lanark & District Fish & Game Conservation Club members, the Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry staff & Youth Stewardship Rangers, Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority, Watersheds Canada and the involvement of the Paul’s Creek Campground. Special thanks to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Recreational Fisheries Conservation Partnerships Program for the financial support in the competition of the Pauls Creek Restoration Project.
In partnership with grassroots organizations and local volunteers, Watersheds Canada has completed many fish habitat restoration projects across Eastern and Central Ontario over the past nine years, including walleye spawning bed enhancements, cold-water creek enhancements, trout spawning bed enhancements, and in-water habitat enhancements through the deployment of brush piles (woody debris). If you think your Ontario waterfront community could benefit from a fish habitat enhancement project, please check out the free Fish Habitat Enhancement Toolkit: Watersheds.ca/download-the-fish-habitat-enhancement-toolkit/
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