Love Your Lake is coordinated by the Canadian Wildlife Federation and Watersheds Canada.
“Woefully ignorant of the impact our shoreline had on the wildlife we so enjoy at our beloved cottage. We thank you for for this excellent shoreline property report. We are committed to assuming improved stewardship for our shoreline and property.”
“Thank you very much. I’m so happy to know that there are other naturalists working hard to help our lakes.”
“I am learning a lot about native plants and the importance of them thanks to the LYL program. I plan on planting milkweed for Monarch butterflies and putting up a bat house.”
“My husband and I were very impressed with the Love Your Lake program. We’ve ordered a hard copy – a good reference and inspiration. It’s bound to have a positive impact.”
“Good work. May help reduce clear cutting around cottages and the planting of disgusting lawns. I’ve been there since I was born in ’49 and am very concerned about the growth of algae in our bay. We used to drink straight from the lake.”
“I loved your report. I thought I already knew most of what there is to know, but learned more and can see that I still have a few things to take care of, and continue to nurture on my property. Thank you!”
“A useful program! Hopefully as more hear about this program, more healthy changes will occur on developed waterfronts!”
“A good report that should make cottagers think about what they can do to improve the quality of the environment.”
“A great program. Very knowledgeable people doing the assessment. Glad we had the survey completed. Hope everyone else on the lake got something from their report.”
“Excellent information, really appreciate that it’s specific to our property. This report is very timely and just the nudge we need to plant additional native species to improve our shoreline buffer. Thanks to everyone who is supporting this project.”
“I was quite impressed with the report, I was surprised and pleased with the information it contained.”
“We were very happy to read and learn that our property is environmental friendly. Many of the contents already exist on our property (vegetation buffer, raised stairs, native shrubs, eaves. etc.). Great program!”
“Love the program. It brings awareness to all property owners on our lakes to keep them healthy year round. Thanks for your great work creating this program.”