Please use the following policies to inform your recommendations to the assigned scenario: Lanark Highlands Shoreline Policies
Download the background information for the two scenarios: Waterfront Development Scenarios 2021 PDFs
Discussion Questions
1) How is the integrity of the shoreline impacted?
2) Given the provided Lanark Highlands standards, what would your recommendation be?
3) Given your municipality, what tools would you use in your recommendation?
4) What are some obstacles your recommendation may encounter? Suppose the Township has recommended denial of the application but the Committee of Adjustment proceeds with approval (with conditions). What factors are considered when a decision is made?
If there are colleagues who you think would benefit from this exercise it is not too late to register! They can do so by registering. Download and share the event poster: Planners’ Session III poster PDF
Darlene Coyle
Environmental Policy and Planning Intern
Watersheds Canada