Andromeda polifolia
The Bog Rosemary is a low growing, spreading, coniferous shrub or groundcover between two inches to two feet tall. Height variations depend on the temperature of the area with low growth occurring in colder climates. Bog Rosemary is found across Canada in all provinces and territories. This species can be found naturally in moist to wet areas including wetlands, bogs, fens, and tundra. Bog Rosemary can tolerate flooding, high winds and ice. The mature leaves of Bog Rosemary are glossy deep green to blue-green with a pale, downy underside. Mature leaves have a leathery texture and are narrow and oblong-shaped with a pointed tip. New leaf growth and young leaves are a silver-gray colour. During May, the plant yields tiny, urn-shaped, pinkish white flowers on the terminal end of its branches. Over the summer, the flowers turn into a dry, blueish seed capsule. Between May to early summer this species exhibits increased growth, this growth occurs through new shoots arising from the base of the plant. The roots of the Bog Rosemary make it an ideal plant to break up compact soils.Scientific Name: Andromeda polifolia
Type: Shrub
Height: 30-60cm
Spread: 1m
Moisture Level: moist, wet
Light Conditions: full sun, part sun
Soil Conditions: sand, clay, loam, acidic
Zone (Hardiness of Canada): 1 to 6