Taxus canadensis
The Canada Yew also referred to as the American Yew or Ground Hemlock, is a small coniferous shrub which grows as an understory shrub from Ontario to Newfoundland. Preferring moist, loam soils, this species is found along shorelines, riparian zones and woody swamps. Rarely reaching heights of 2.5 meters, this species produces sprawling, staggering branches sprouting from a multi-stemmed base. Leaves produced are flat, dark green needles, arranged in two flat rows on either side of the branch. Over the winter and spring, this shrub develops a scaly seed cone with each cone housing one seed. By late summer to early fall, cones develop into a red berry. Over-wintering game birds will use this shrub as cover and protection while the berries provide a food source to small song and game birds. Though poisonous when ingested, the Canada Yew is harvested for its toxins for use in cancer research.Scientific Name: Taxus canadensis
Type: Shrub
Height: 2m
Moisture Level: moist, wet
Light Conditions: full sun, part sun
Soil Conditions: sand, clay, loam, acidic
Zone (Hardiness of Canada): 2 to 7