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Common Blue Violet

Viola sororia

Blue Violet is a short wildflower or groundcover species that typically grows about 10 cm in height. The leaves are light to dark green coloured, rounded and oval shaped, have serrated margins, and have cordate bases, giving the appearance of a heart. The flowers are dark to light violet coloured with white hairs, have five rounded petals, have dark violet veins, and bloom between May and July. The flowers are beneficial to pollinator species, like bees and butterflies. The seeds are also beneficial to wildlife species, like birds and small mammals. This plant spreads well and can form small colonies. The roots can be useful for controlling erosion and stabilizing shorelines.

Blue Violet grows best in normal to moist conditions with partial sun or shade. It prefers rich humus, loam, or clay soil types. This wildflower can be naturally found in open forests, forest edges, meadows and fields, and along stream or lake shorelines.

Scientific Name: Viola sororia
Type: Ground Cover
Height: 10 cm
Spread: 0.5 m
Moisture Level: moist
Light Conditions: part sun, shade
Soil Conditions: clay, loam
Zone (Hardiness of Canada):