Join us on August 23rd as we host a Facebook live event with the St. Lawrence River Institute!
Living by the water is wonderful – the peace and quiet, the beauty of the water, and the enjoyment of spending time with family and friends along its shores are but a few of its many benefits. If you’re a waterfront property owner or know of someone who is, our upcoming Great River Rapport workshop may be of interest to you.
On August 23rd, we will be partnering with Watersheds Canada to conduct a live waterfront property assessment. This assessment will look at the relationship between the property and the waterfront and provide recommendations on how this relationship may be improved to benefit both the property and the health of the river.
Do you have questions about erosion on your own property? How to naturalize your shoreline? Concerns about runoff and how your waterfront may be impacting the river? Join us for this live-streamed workshop on August 23rd to learn more about the Watershed Canada property assessment process, and how you may improve your own waterfront relationship with the River.
Free registration: