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Light Pollution education resource toolkit
Light pollution is often overlooked but is a significant environmental concern. There are many adverse effects of light pollution on aquatic ecosystems, wildlife, and human health, so raising awareness and leading local change is important at the individual, community group, and municipal level. Use this free education toolkit to access free resources that can help you drive change in your community.
The Science Behind Vegetated Shoreland Buffers: Why the Ribbon of Life Matters
Using highly-cited and peer-reviewed scientific studies, this document outlines the benefits of vegetated shoreland buffers, and discusses why local decision makers, landowners, developers, and landscape professionals should maintain or restore native vegetation to achieve holistic protection for waterfront properties and ecosystems.
“The Future of Our Shores” report
This report reflects the findings from three stakeholder surveys on the state of shoreland stewardship and land-use according to municipal planners, councillors, and lake and river associations in Ontario.
Guide to Preparing a Shoreline Naturalization Planting Plan
This comprehensive and step-by-step planting plan template will assist you in assessing your property’s site conditions and clearly demonstrate ways vegetation will be increased as a result of your plan. The planting plan is divided into four parts: Draw your Planting Area, Assess Planting Area Conditions, Choose Plants, and Maintenance Plan.
Road Salt education resource toolkit
By supporting regulations, monitoring, and liability, we can safeguard our aquatic ecosystems, protect wildlife, and ensure the continued purity of our nation’s waters. Access blogs, a slide deck, regulation summaries, and more in this free education resource toolkit.
A Regulatory Guide to Achieving Environmental Net Gain at the Waterfront
Currently, very few municipalities mention Environmental Net Gain in their existing policies around waterfront development proposals. This package outlines what an Environmental Net Gain is and why they are a critical consideration when protecting waterfront health. – Coming soon!
Resilient Shorelands infographic
Did you know a shoreland is made up of many different zones? Learn more about what a shoreland is, who lives there, and how a natural shoreland is most resilient to impacts from climate change in this infographic.
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