Responsible care of our water resources involves not only limiting the runoff of pollutants into our waterways, but also ensuring that the products that we use in our day-to-day lives are kind to the environment to begin with. By doing the latter, we strive to eliminate these problems before they even begin – stopping the problems at their source instead of at their center.
Swish is a company that is leading the charge in this regard. For over 35 years, this janitorial supply company has been continuously finding new ways to allow people to maintain better cleanliness and hygiene without the harmful environmental impacts that can often result. They offer over 500 environmentally responsible products including ECOLOGO, USDA Organic, and FSC-certified options – the largest number of certified green products of any company in Canada. They also partner with many trusted equipment brands to offer eco-efficient machines that allow operators in diverse fields of work to maintain their clean while being green. Additionally, their Swish Clean Checkup facility assessments break down barriers on the road to sustainability by directly helping business owners understand which of these eco-friendly products and machines suit their specific needs, how they can avoid wastage and save time with efficient cleaning protocols, and how they can optimize equipment, among other things.
Recently, though, their impacts have stretched even beyond the national scale. They have partnered with Ralston and Plastic Bank to help deliver their Social Plastic initiative, a revolutionary project that simultaneously strengthens impoverished communities and diverts plastic from the oceans. Plastic is collected by families from local ocean shores, rivers, bays, and streams in Haiti, taken to Plastic Bank centers, converted to pellets, and finally used to make a variety of plastic products – one of which being Swish’s Clean & GreenTM Garbage Bags sold on their website and other distribution channels. The plastic is exchanged for tokens that locals use to buy goods and services. Through supporting this program, Swish helps to provide income opportunities to impoverished communities while removing plastics from aquatic ecosystems and providing new life to the refuse.
Last but not least, Swish is greatly supporting the conservation of water resources by being a part of Watersheds Canada’s Business Supporter program. Through their backing, they directly help expand the reach and impact of all our work – resulting in more toxins and nutrients being kept out of our waterways through shoreland plantings, more habitat being created for fish and other wildlife through restoration projects, more people being reached and mobilized with education toolkits, and on and on. This will result in healthier freshwater ecosystems, better water quality for people and wildlife, and a more informed public that is inspired to take action to protect Canada’s valuable water resources. Furthermore, Swish’s reputation as a company steadfast in its drive to protect and enhance the health of freshwater areas is only further strengthened and showcased proudly through their participation in this program.
If your business is interested in joining the Business Supporter Program and becoming an esteemed partner to Watersheds Canada just like Swish, you can find out more, sign up for the program, or contact us with any inquiries right here.