Coldwater Creek Restoration Projects
Carson Lake Restoration Project
Delivered in partnership with Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters – Zone E and Carson Trout Lepine & Greenan – Lakes Association, Watersheds Canada restored creek habitat on Carson Lake, Ontario to benefit local brook trout populations. Through the planting of native plants, and the installation of coir logs and bareroot native plants, a corridor of critical brook trout habitat was restored.
Easton’s Creek Restoration Project 2024
This project marked the second year of restoration work delivered at Easton’s Creek, Ontario in partnership with Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority. This project connected corridors of brook trout habitat in a cold-water creek in Lanark County, where some of the few remaining cold-water brook trout creeks exist in the Mississippi River watershed.
Easton’s Creek Restoration Project 2019
Easton’s Creek is located about 45 minutes northwest of Perth, Ontario in the Mississippi River Watershed. Waddle Creek, one of the few remaining coldwater brook trout creeks in this watershed, flows into Easton’s Creek and continues into the Clyde River. This project increased stream cover through tree planting to shade and cool the water at Easton’s Creek and increased shoreline habitat.
Long Sault Creek Restoration Project
As part of Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s Recreational Fisheries Conservation Partnerships Funding Program for 2016, Long Sault Creek, located northwest of Perth, Ontario, was the location of a 1km cold water creek restoration. Long Sault Creek is one of five cold water streams within the Mississippi Valley Watershed and has been identified as one of the only native spawning brook trout creeks in Lanark County.
Pauls Creek Restoration Project
Pauls Creek is a cold water creek located in Lanark Highlands Township within Lanark County, northwest of Perth, Ontario. Pauls Creek flows directly into Dalhousie Lake which drains into the Mississippi River. Pauls Creek is one of five cold water streams within the Mississippi Valley Watershed and has been stocked annually with brook trout by the Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry.
Waddle Creek – Brook Trout Restoration
Waddle Creek, Ontario is a cold water creek located in Lanark Highlands Township. Waddles Creek is a reach of Eastons Creek which flows into the Clyde River which drains into the Mississippi River. Waddle Creek is one of five cold water streams within the Mississippi Valley Watershed.
Coldwater streams are significant tributaries in the proper function of natural ecosystems as they help to moderate temperatures in the larger rivers and lakes they flow into. Not only are these streams water temperature regulators, they also provide nursery habitat for many fish species including brook trout which require the cold temperatures and high dissolved oxygen levels that these creeks possess.