Love Your Lake – Microgrant impact report
In partnership with the Canadian Wildlife Federation, Watersheds Canada launched a microgrant program to lake groups who had previously been assessed through the Love Your Lake program. The awarded projects demonstrated support and involvement of lake community members taking action towards improving and maintaining shoreline and lake health. This impact report highlights the 16 groups that received a microgrant and their projects.
Natural Edge – Participating landowner evaluation results report (2017-2022)
This PDF report provides a snapshot of landowners who took part in the Natural Edge Program between 2017 and 2022 and filled in a pre-site visit survey and post-planting survey. Surveys were created to determine what barriers to action landowners faced, whether participants had a change in values and level of knowledge after taking part in the program, and if they would recommend the program to others.
Love Your Lake 2013-2021 values survey report
Shorelines are one of the most unique places on Earth. Shoreline property owners can have a huge impact on this delicate interface and play a significant role in maintaining healthy shorelines. Daily actions by all individuals help to conserve the water in lakes and rivers, and improve conditions for wildlife that live in and around shorelines. This report summarizes results from shoreline property owners answering the Love Your Lake values survey. The purpose of this survey is to identify what is important to people about their lake.
Fish Habitat Projects: LUSH Impact Report, 2018-2020
Increasing development along Canada’s lake and rivers is causing critical fish habitat to become compromised and degraded. Watersheds Canada, in partnership with local organizations, is working to protect, enhance, and restore various freshwater fish habitats. With the support of LUSH Charity Pot, Watersheds Canada completed 6 fish habitat projects from 2018-2020 that will support aquatic ecosystems for future generations! Read more about these projects in this report.
Natural Edge Program: Quinte Project Evaluation, 2019-2021
The Natural Edge Program was successfully delivered in partnership with Quinte Conservation from 2019-2021. This evaluation report outlines the project and its impacts as determined by pre- and post-participation surveys and qualitative interviews. This third party evaluation report was completed by Sustainable Eastern Ontario.
Fish Habitat Enhancement Toolkit evaluation
In partnership with the Lanark County Stewardship Council, Watersheds Canada created a free Fish Habitat Enhancement Toolkit. This Toolkit provides grassroots organizations and community groups with project guides, updated protocols, and accompanying videos to identify suitable sites and successfully enhance various types of fish habitat projects. Click here to read the program evaluation of this project which was completed by Sustainable Eastern Ontario.
Natural Edge Impact Report for “Ontario Delivery Support” and the “Daniel and Susan Gottlieb Lake Stewardship Grant”
This impact report outlines the Natural Edge Program delivery completed in 2019 and the on-the-ground impact that was made with the planting of native species along shoreline properties. The report also highlights the 15 projects that were funded through the Daniel and Susan Gottlieb Lake Stewardship Grant, which provided lake associations and stewardship groups with the needed funds to engage their communities to participate in stewardship activities.