by Christopher Dennison, Municipal Policy Intern Everyone knows the old saying, “these things just happen for a reason”. I have entertained long debates with friends and family over this old adage, and I still wonder whether I could prescribe to such a saying when the global community finds itself at the mercy of a deadly, unforgiving virus. The COVID-19 pandemic has uprooted countless lives, and it would also lead to somewhat of a crossroad in my own life. My wife and I are both River ... Read More
Media Release – “Future of our Shores” report highlights need for more shoreland best-practices and education in Ontario
MEDIA RELEASE May 3, 2021 Future of our Shores report highlights need for more shoreland best-practices and education in Ontario Watersheds Canada – In partnership with a volunteer project steering committee of the Planning for our Shorelands project, Watersheds Canada is excited to announce the availability of the project’s first report, The Future of our Shores. The Future of ... Read More
Media release – Watersheds Canada and Quinte Conservation to help protect and enhance habitat for Pugnose Shiner fish, a Species at Risk
MEDIA RELEASE March 29, 2021 Watersheds Canada and Quinte Conservation to help protect and enhance habitat for Pugnose Shiner fish, a Species at Risk Perth, ON – In partnership with Quinte Conservation, Friends of Wellers Bay, the West Lake Community ... Read More
Today You Can Make a Year-End Impact For Canada’s Freshwater!
You can help protect Canada's freshwater. Help us continue to make a difference with your year-end donation before December 31st! Make My Year-End Donation Today! Members of the Quinte Conservation, Cherry Valley Park Association, and Watersheds Canada planted 140 native plant species along Cherry Valley Park’s shoreline. Your support in 2020 has resulted in on-the-ground, grassroots change: 23,335 native trees, shrubs, and wildflowers planted along 6,630-metres of shoreline 150 ... Read More
How Your Donation Will Protect Canada’s Freshwater this Giving Tuesday
This year came with extraordinary challenges, especially for environmental charities like Watersheds Canada. Granting organizations have redirected funding, and group size limits prevented many volunteers from participating in our spring and fall planting seasons. We know that you care about your lake, river, or tributary. As fall comes to an end, and we think back to all the times we turned to nature this year, we know that nature is still in need of our help. Together, we can protect the very ... Read More
Natural Edge webinar – June 23, 2020
This webinar will explain the Natural Edge program, showcase how the program works, what landowners can do on their own property, and what they get with the Starter Kitts. Before and after photos will also be showcased, followed by a Q&A with Natural Edge program manager, Chloe Lajoie. Once you register, you will be sent an email with information to log-in and view the webinar. This will happen closer to June 23, 2020. Register here! This event is done in partnership with the White ... Read More
Canada Prepares to Ban Single-Use Plastics
by Abbey Unsworth, Summer Student - Natural Edge and Love Your Lake Canada has recently announced a ban on single-use plastics as part of a strategy to combat plastic pollution. The ban is set to take effect by 2021 and will most likely include items such as plastic bags, straws, cutlery, and take-out containers, but the specifics have not yet been determined. The strategy also focuses on companies that manufacture or sell plastic products, putting a responsibility on them for the management ... Read More
The Importance of Collaboration for Charities & Non-Profits
Written by: Barbara King, 2018 Collaboration Best Practices from Watersheds Canada’s Experience In working in the environmental sector, especially where there are so many different groups, agencies, and organizations working on various issues, collaboration is critical to finding solutions to big picture problems that are currently taking place in our country. Working in collaboration has many benefits but also poses some challenges. The National Survey of Nonprofit and Voluntary ... Read More
Shoreline Summer
Written by: Brady Beaupre, 2017 Cruising out on the open water having the warm summer breeze blow by as the boat putts along the shore. What a wonderful way to spend some my summer at work. During the summer of 2017 I received the opportunity to work for Watersheds Canada as a student participating in the Love Your Lake program. I am currently a student in the Environmental Technician program at Algonquin College in Pembroke, Ontario. I was delighted to hear about this job as a partnership ... Read More
A Summer Spent Surveying
Written by: Alexa Mantifel We lounged in our chairs moving slowly along a shoreline, noticing blue herons, baby map turtles, lots of fish and insects, enjoying the sun, the breeze and our summer job. There are never any complaints when you spend all summer doing something you love with people who love it too! That was my summer job with Watersheds Canada. I came back from my first year at Queen’s University and spent quite some time looking for a summer job in my small town ... Read More