What is Lake Links?
Lake Links is a collaborative one-day workshop held every October. It attracts citizens and scientists to share ways we can help sustain our lakes and rivers. Individuals spread across five watersheds in Eastern Ontario and beyond attend this day-long event to learn, network and see what’s new. Each year, Lake Links addresses the lake and river issues that matter most to our communities with expert speakers, breakout sessions, and dynamic presentations.
Each year, financial support for Lake Links is received from various partners across the environmental sector. The current Lake Links Planning Committee has representatives from Cataraqui Conservation, Friends of the Tay Watershed, Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority, Rideau Valley Conservation Authority, Watersheds Canada, and White Lake Property Owners Association. This Committee is fundamental to the success of Lake Links each year.
Lake Links 2025
Past Lake Links Events
View more information on the past Lake Links events:
Lake Links 2024
This workshop explored topics around lake planning and lake volunteer programs.
Lake Links 2023
This workshop explored topics around sustainable fisheries for the future. In particular, how invasive aquatic species are impacting native fish populations and the importance of science-based and community-led conservation projects was highlighted in the keynote presentations.
Lake Links 2022
This workshop explored challenges and solutions for lake and river health. In particular, presentations showed how associations have recognized threats on their lakes and rivers, and what steps they have taken to address them.
Lake Links 2021
This workshop explored ways for us all to “take the challenge” and connecting what we say and actually do in order to protect our lakes and rivers”. View video presentations and download the Lake Protection Workbook.
Lake Links 2020
This workshop examined ways for lake associations, waterfront groups, and individuals to effectively engage for positive action. This workshop was delivered online. View video presentations and download an initiatives handout.
Lake Links 2019
This workshop examined the many citizen science initiatives available to individuals and groups, and offered a platform for lake associations to share projects. View videos and presentations from the day and download a citizen science handout.
Lake Links 2018
This workshop examined the importance of good property level decisions, provided details of an active lake stewardship program, and offered input from local experts.
Lake Links 2017
This workshop explored the inseparable connection between lakes and upland areas. We learned about how lake health is impacted by EVERYTHING that lies beyond the shoreline. Scientists, lake associations, and municipal representatives provided their perspectives on cooperative lake protection.
Lake Links 2016
This workshop explored trends in the ownership of shoreline properties in Eastern Ontario, with a special focus on what those trends may mean in terms of fostering lake stewardship actions across generations
Lake Links 2015
This workshop focused on strategies for protecting the fisheries in our lakes with a special focus on fish habitat restoration.
Lake Links 2014
This workshop focused on the benefits, challenges, and actions that are undertaken by many lake communities across Ontario.
Lake Links 2013
This workshop focused on strategies for community engagement.
Lake Links 2012
This workshop focused on climate change and how to build resiliency in our lakes.
Lake Links 2011
This workshop focused on the lake capacity model, watershed planning tools, and successful lake development case studies.
Lake Links 2010
This workshop focused on networking and information sharing among attendees and their organizations.
Lake Links 2009
This workshop focused on measuring and monitoring lake environments.
Lake Links 2008
This workshop focused on the effects of artificial lighting on aquatic systems, and explored the Lakeshore Capacity Assessment Tool.
Lake Links 2007
This workshop focused on municipal planning, aquatic vegetation growth, algae issues, and septic re-inspection programs.
Lake Links 2006
This workshop focused on land use planning and development around lakes, carrying capacity and shoreline restoration.
Lake Links 2005
This workshop focused on weeds, engaging your lake community to get involved and Your Lake, Your Responsibility.
Lake Links 2004
This workshop focused on how to get people to buy-in to Water Quality, Organizational Challenges and Lake Planning.
Lake Stewardship Workshop 2000
This workshop was one of the first workshops dedicated to educating the shoreline communities in this area. Hosted by Mississippi Valley Conservation, in conjunction with Rideau Valley and the Cataraqui Region Conservation Authorities and area Stewardship Councils. It focused on Water Quality results, re-inspection programs, importance of official plan policies, invasive species and lake management.