This World Water Day, I want to introduce you to a place very special to me: Long Sault Creek.
Because of individual donor support and local community groups, Long Sault Creek was transformed and restored. In total, 60 native tree species were planted, and as they grow, they will provide decades of shade along Long Sault Creek — coldwater habitat for a naturally-reproducing population of brook trout.
I went back to visit this creek last fall and was blown away by the growth of the native trees that were planted! Look at the progress for yourself:
Calls for Watersheds Canada’s shoreline and fish habitat programs have never been in such urgent demand. Right now, there is more habitat work than donation dollars. Watersheds Canada is a “take action” team but we need your help to bring our habitat restoration work to more cold-water tributaries. Can you help today by making a donation?
What makes cold-water creeks special? These areas are fed by groundwater and remain cold all year. They are important in maintaining the proper functions of natural ecosystems as they moderate temperatures of the larger rivers and lakes they flow into. They also provide nursery habitat for many fish species, including the beautiful brook trout, that need these watercourses’ cold temperatures and high levels of dissolved oxygen.
Your donation this World Water Day will ensure even more fish habitat areas are restored and enhanced, benefitting brook trout, walleye, lake trout, largemouth and smallmouth bass, and yellow perch. Restored and healthy freshwater areas also benefit species of turtles, frogs, birds, and small mammals, including many species at risk.
Help continue this important work with your tax-receiptable donation of $150, $75, or even $35 today:
Thank you for your passion and dedication to help Canada’s freshwater areas and the wildlife that live there!
Melissa Dakers
Habitat and Stewardship Program Manager
Watersheds Canada
P.S. Please consider becoming a monthly donor to help protect our lakes and rivers each and every month. Thank you for your generosity!