It was a rainy, snowy, and cold finish for the Natural Edge team in the Muskrat watershed. November 2020 marked a bittersweet moment as the team finished their three-year project to restore agricultural buffer zones in the region. The team is grateful to all the property owners and community partners who made this project such a success, especially with the group restrictions this past year. Photo One: Students from Algonquin College's Outdoor Adventure Naturalist work with Watersheds ... Read More
Introducing 2020 Gifts for Freshwater
Are you starting to think about your Christmas and holiday shopping? Are you looking for gifts that make a local impact for your freshwater environment? This year you can make a symbolic adoption to help freshwater ecosystems and species recover and thrive through habitat restoration projects led by Watersheds Canada and local community groups across the country. This year has been difficult as we all adjust to the long-lasting impacts of COVID-19. You, along with other generous supporters, ... Read More
What, When, and How Much to Prune
by Monica Seidel, Communications and Fundraising Coordinator Pruning is a technique used to help support the growth of native trees and shrubs, and while it is not required, it may be a good option for your property to protect pathways, sight lines, or protect plants from neighbouring competitors. It can be a tricky and overwhelming task if you don't know what to look for or how to properly prune. What Should I Prune? First, you will want to determine which species you want to prune. It ... Read More
Give Bats a Home this Halloween
Though we don't always see them, bats are incredibly important to the spaces where we live - they eat thousands of insects each night, and act as important pollinators, bringing pollen further than a butterfly or bee would be able to. Bats need your help - they are threatened by habitat loss, pesticide use, and fear and misinformation leading people to remove their homes and roosts. This Halloween, you can provide a home for your local bat species! Bat houses provide a place to roost and ... Read More
ANNOUNCEMENT: Lake Links 2020!
We are excited to announce that the 19th Annual Lake Links workshop is taking place on Saturday October 24th, 2020 from 10am-12pm. Due to current health guidelines and the safety of attendees, this year's workshop will take place exclusively online. You will receive log-in information for the webinar closer to the date. We encourage you to register early to stay up-to-date! Free registration can be found here. This year's theme is "Effective Engagement for Positive Action". The day will ... Read More
Daniel and Susan Gottlieb Lake Stewardship Grant Helps Community Freshwater Initiatives
In 2019, Watersheds Canada, in partnership with the Daniel and Susan Gottlieb Foundation, granted volunteer groups with funding support towards projects that had a positive impact on the health of lakes and rivers and involved their lake community. Here are 5 activity updates: Shoreline Naturalization Program & Lake Protection Booklets The Cavendish Community Ratepayers Association Inc. was able to secure shoreline plants and the Lake Protection Workbooks for their community. More ... Read More
A Physically Distanced Love Your Lake Field Season
Love Your Lake (LYL) surveys continued on Kashwakamak Lake in North Frontenac Township as Maggie completed the surveys on behalf of Watersheds Canada, a LYL delivery partner in Eastern Ontario. She was out throughout July to assess the shoreline properties using the detailed protocol, ultimately creating a customized report for each property owner that is filled with voluntary recommendations to naturalize their property. In total, 674 properties were assessed. While things may look a little ... Read More
Pollinator Champion Feature – Alan and Joyce
After retiring and moving to the countryside seven years ago, Alan and Joyce are enjoying the peace and quiet of life on the water. Having both grown up going to cottages for vacation, they now are able to spend more time in nature and enjoy the panoramic views with little evidence of people around. “Natural shorelines are important to us because it draws in more nature – plants and animals – to our property. We enjoy looking around and seeing and living beside the natural shoreline”, said Alan, ... Read More
Restore Your Property in 2020 with the Natural Edge
Shorelines are one of the richest environments on earth, but they are also among the most threatened. Habitat loss and degradation, water quality impairments, and increasing pressures from shoreline development can deteriorate our lakes and rivers, making them a priority for environmental stewardship and restoration. The Natural Edge Program helps shoreline property owners restore their shoreline, protect their water quality, and create habitat for wildlife and pollinators. Trained staff walk ... Read More
Natural Edge webinar – June 23, 2020
This webinar will explain the Natural Edge program, showcase how the program works, what landowners can do on their own property, and what they get with the Starter Kitts. Before and after photos will also be showcased, followed by a Q&A with Natural Edge program manager, Chloe Lajoie. Once you register, you will be sent an email with information to log-in and view the webinar. This will happen closer to June 23, 2020. Register here! This event is done in partnership with the White ... Read More
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